Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

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It seemed a brilliant idea at the time (Helen Blowers's presentation at SLV all those months ago).
I've suprised myself in that I was already aware of, and in some cases enthusiastically using, many the 'things'. I'm more savvy than I thought. I'm ashamed that one of the 'things' I most enjoyed was creating time-wasting and mildly amusing images like this one (I really did have no idea there were such things out there. Are they really important to know about? I don't know. Do they add to the sum of human happiness? Well, they added to the sum of mine. Briefly.)

For people who haven't been exposed to all this 'stuff', I think it has been quite liberating to find out that it is all actually very easy to use.

It has been great to do this as part of a large community, and to look at other people's blogs and see what they've been up to, and what they think of the whole experience. I think learning through play - mucking around with stuff - is vitally important for library staff. Particularly for online applications, such as our Gulliver databases. But while I think it is great in theory, in practice it is very hard to arrange. I would bet large sums that most of us participating in Learning 2.0 have done the bulk of it at home. I've spent half an hour on this at work this morning, and it seems like half an hour too long, there are many other things I really 'should' be doing. It is very, very hard to validate this kind of activity. The programme has been more time-consuming than I expected, and I feel as if I have skated over the surface rather than explored in-depth. I'd suggest that it might be improved by running for much longer - maybe six months or more - with just one 'thing' to explore each session. Maybe short bursts of playing could then become a habit.

Technological restrictions at work have been frustrating, no audio and no YouTube. I understand that IS know a lot more about all this than I do, and they have good reasons for what they do and no spare bandwith, but it has still been frustrating.

I wonder what other participants have to say about lifelong learning. I seem to be learning something new all the time when I think about it, working in a public library full of books is good like that. Borrowing a book to work out how to use a Mac. Learning how to blog and flickr because you need an easy way to show interstate & overseas relatives pictures of your kids. Using Youtube to find out how to graft sock toes. Or learning some new library database, management system, or phone system. Going to yoga classes. Lifelong learning seems to be a state of being for me, without me actually seeking things out consciously as learning activities, and I'd imagine (hope?) many of my colleagues would feel the same.

So: now we (Victorian library staff) go away with something to think about. Even if, as at our library service, some of us are currently restricted in what we can do, at least there are some ideas and some awareness of what is possible, swimming around in our tired addled brains.

Thanks Leslie and Lynette for all your hard work organising this project.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#9 YouTube, podcasting, etc

Forbidden. Forbidden. Forbidden. Authorisation Required.
I can see YouTube is going to be a lot of fun in the library.

Luckily, I've already experienced YouTube (you know, it's great for learning knitting techniques when your Mum's not on the spot. There are a whole lot of other people's Mums who have filmed themselves knitting. I find this a little bizarre, but very useful.) I've already experienced free audio books online, too. You wouldn't believe how many versions of The Elephant's Child exist in the ether.

We will however, need A Change Of Culture to get this sort of stuff off the ground in our library context.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ah, November. I remember a time when that didn't mean NaNoWriMo, a time when I had a small amount of sanity to my name. But now that November and NaNoWriMo are in full swing I'm not doing any Learning 2.0 at home any more - it's a purely work pursuit, until December at least. But I think NaNo is the ulitmate Web 2.0 'thing', and there's a nifty widget which I just have to include in this blog. Purely for showing off purposes, of course.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week #7 Wikis

Yep, wikis do look like a lot of fun. But yet again, time to delve into this stuff is very short. If one had a few hours for creative play or mucking around instead of a few minutes, one would be a lot more creative! With time to dream a bit I'm sure I could come up with some brilliant ways to use wikis in libraries. But with no time, I've still had a couple of modest ideas - a reading wiki along the lines of Princeton Public library's Book Lovers Wiki, and an online circ desk manual. That is, a manual of phone numbers, procedures, info specific to a particular building, that anyone could add to on the fly. Time for my desk shift now!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Indeed looks quite delicious, from what I've seen after having a very quick look. Mobile bookmarks that you can access anywhere - great. Sharing bookmarks - even better. Not being able to install buttons at work - not so good. Will need to talk to IS.

week #6

I think I've actually lost track of which week we're up to now. I've had a quick look at bloglines and at rollyo. I like the idea of feeds in theory, but in practice I would just never do it - not yet, anyway. I've got way too much to keep up with as it is. Rollyo looked good too, I can see potential - especially to gather sites for kids to use for research. However I've found it a bit tricky to put together here at work. I'm using the version of IE which doesn't have tabs, so navigating between sites is a bit labourious. (The learning 2.0 podcasts won't speak to me either, which is a bit frustrating). I could do it all at home but as usual, time is the limiting factor. On to look at delicious (can't remember where to put the dots.)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What? Where? Who is it?

I've had a week off for the school holidays, and have since been flat out at work. What's learning through play again? What time is it? What week are we up to? I know it's only supposed to take 15 minutes a day but I need that to eat.

Maybe I'll catch up next week?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

#6 More flickr fun

Are we having fun yet? Have we mashed anything? I've made these but I'm not sure why. What's a trading card for?

Library Two Point O, Best Beloved

O, Best Beloved:
I thought the Elephant's Child (with his 'satiable curtiosity) might be a good name for a blog created for this excercise. Now I just need to watch out for the creatures lurking in the great, grey-green greasy Limpopo.